Show 3 – doesnt time fly

Posted: February 3, 2011 by admin in Uncategorized

Third show a success. We had no real technical issues this week as far as I am aware so I think this is going smoother now.  The tone of the show if very much an informal chat and i think the guests are quite comfortable with the format and having a bit fo a laugh. Tonights guest Poppy ( author of many spiritual oreintated books came on the show and revealled quite a few interesting things about some circles she had been involved in she could talk about. What was most fascinating is the strange experiences Poppy has had and how she got deeply involved in crop circles and got to meet some very famous Circlemakers when they were not known as Circlemakers back around the time of the writing of the Jim Scnabel book “Round in Circles”. Watch this show to get some very fascinating insight into a spirit minded person who has experienced a lot.  Viewing figures were up a little bit and we have estimated we are getting about 50 viewers on the show and 150 watching the whole length of the shows in the week.


We have a competition this week which is valid until show 4 airs, to send in your own crop circle design on paper and one will be picked as a winner of a piece of original crop circle design art from Matthew Williams, which was made as a real crop circle years ago. Send in to the contact us address and good luck.  Get your compass and ruler out and have a go.

First show a complete success

Posted: January 21, 2011 by admin in Uncategorized

NEWS Livestream have apporved a lifting of our 50 viewer limit so we are free to broadcast to the masses now.

19th Jan 2011 Dispite some live technical issues that meant lipsync was out we were amazed that bang on 9pm the live stream had 50 viewers bang on 9PM, quite an achievement.  This meant that we went overcapcity on the amount of viewers we were allowed 50 being the max. Some people couldnt veiw the show live. I re-edited the show offline and corrected the lipsync issues (thre are still some there but not so many) and have reuploaded the show to livestream so it can be watched more comfortably.

What was in the show: Many revelations to the authorship of circles was given and callers called in and many peopel chatted in the chat room. What is clear is that people are fascinated by the paranormal stuff in and around circlemaking activites and the circles themselves. We felt the 2 hours wasnt enough and we could have gone on much longer but ten thats why there are more weeks to carry on and talk. Perhaps we will run to 3 hours on some shows.

Please send us your feedback on the show and any points you feel were not raised, any questions not answered and will will endeavour to do so.

Welcome to Circlemakers TV

Posted: January 13, 2011 by admin in Uncategorized

This is the only internet TV channel dedicated to giving the circlemakers and you a voice.

Click on the links above or on the right hand side to see previous shows or watch and interact with Circlemakers LIVE on air.